Greenslit 3
"Accused: Goodwife Anne Greenslit Pudeator, twice-widowed woman of property in Salem Town. She was a mother of five children by her first marriage to Thomas Greenslit. One of the most notable was Thomas Pudeator, who testified as an accuser in the trial of Reverend George Burroughs...." - from The Witches Way.
In my opinion, Thomas Pudeator above is Ann's son from her marriage to Thomas Greenslit. The gravestone image is from The Witches Way. To the best of my knowledge, it is not known where Ann is buried.

"The Salem, Massachusetts, witchcraft trials of 1692 provide a classic example of what scholars mean when they refer to the "witch craze" or "witch hysteria" that swept through Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Because of the accusations of a small circle of prepubescent girls, an entire community became crazed and caught up in the fear that many of their neighbors were serving Satan in secret. The witch hysteria in Salem village resulted in the deaths of 24 men and women, who were hanged, were crushed to death, or died in prison."
For more on the Salem Witchcraft trials from, click on the painting and scroll halfway down the page.
Warrant for Arrest of Ann Pudeator and Alice Parker

To: To the Marshall of Essex or Constable in Salem
You are in theire Majes'ts names hereby required forthwith to apprehend and bring before us Alice parker the wife of John parker of Salem and Ann pudeator of Salem Widdow who stand Charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed this day Contrary to the Laws of our Sov'r Lord & Lady. faile not Dated Salem. May the. 12'th 1692
us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assists
*Jonathan. Corwin
May 12'th -- 1692 I have apprehended the a bove named persons and Brought them att the place apointed by your honors
r mee *George Herrick Marshall of Essex
Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 109
Much thanks is given to the University of Virginia Library for the above and below.
Petition of Ann Pudeator
The humble Petition of Ann Poodeater unto the honoured Judge and Bench now Setting in Judicature in Salem humbly Sheweth:
That Wheras your Poor and humble Petitioner being condemned to die and knowing in my own conscience as I shall shortly answer it before the great God of heaven who is the searcher & knower of all hearts: That the Evidence of Jno Best Sen'r and Jno Best Jun'r and Sam'll Pickworth w'ch was given in against me in Court were all of them altogether false & untrue and besides the abovesaid Jno Best hath been formerly whipt and likewise is r rded for a Lyar I would humbly begg of yo'r honours to Take it into your Judicious and Pious
consideration That my life may not be taken away by such false Evidence and wittnesses as these be likewise the Evidence given in against me by Sarah Church and Mary Warren I am altogether ignorant off and know nothing in the least measure about it nor nothing else concerning the crime of witchcraft for w'ch I am condemned to die as will be known to men and angells att the great day of Judgment begging and imploring your prayers att the throne of grace in my behalfe and your poor and humble petition'r shall for ever pray as she is bound in duty for your hon'rs health and happiness in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come
Ann Pudeaters Peti
Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113
Here's an interesting page by that has a picture of "The Witches Plat, Or "The Crevice" Where The Corpses Were Thrown." I don't think we can say for certain that Ann's body was thrown there. The page also says that, "Several dogs were accused and one of Danvers and one of Andover executed." What about the black cats? Did they get off scot free? Mayflower
Map of Salem Village, 1692. By W.P. Upham 1866
Ann apparently lived on or near Salem Street which I haven't been able to find on the map, though the town of Salem has a street named that today.
What is a little more certain is where she was hanged. It is the "W" near the bottom of the map. The hill has a nice view of Salem.
This map was found on a page of the University of Virgina. A key to map is available: HERE

Minnesota River Valley. The view is from the Morton Cemetary. Highway 71 is running towards the river and Redwood Falls. 5/30/05
Looking down Greenslit Hill on County Road 18. Jackpot Junction's
water tower is visible on the far side of the valley. 9/15/05

How do you make a Farmer go bankrupt? Nail shut his mailbox so he can't get his government check.
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